Preflex Safety is a revolutionary approach to mental mindset training that targets the back-channel (referred to as the subconscious, unconscious, and nonconscious) brain. The system is based on the core principles of cognitive neuroscience and is backed by more than a decade of research and nearly 40 academic studies. The training works by expanding an individual’s perceptual field while building a mental framework on which to process sensory information. Heightened awareness and structured processing, wired together at the nonconscious level, automatically guide behaviors. In other words, Preflex Safety increases the amount of information available and enhances how that information is sorted so the brain can intuitively understand its surroundings.
All of the training is built into an easy-to-use, web-based application that guides users through various daily, weekly, and monthly exercises. It takes no more than 12 minutes a day on a regular basis. By completing the microtrainings, the brain rewires itself through the natural process of neuroplasticity. This process, guided by Preflex Safety exercises, creates thought patterns that fire automatically in the nonconscious mind to help guide behavior.
As more applications are researched, we believe there are potential benefits for everyone. For now, Preflex Safety is most effective in dynamic environments where outcomes depend on keen awareness, quick decisions, and sound performance. Preflex Safety focuses on manufacturing, industrial, and construction workplaces where safety is critical. Our sister company, Preflex First, focuses on first responders and has been successfully implemented at academies, departments, and agencies across the country.
The exercises are based on our neuroscience research and vary by application. From sensory input to situational awareness to mental imagery and more, the exercises are designed to work together using neuroplasticity, creating new pathways in the brain.
By training the right patterns in the nonconscious mind to guide behaviors, Preflex Safety helps individuals increase awareness of their surroundings and create habits that lead to a safer work environment.
The results, time and again, by us and by third-party research groups, have consistently shown significant changes in mental mindset and awareness.
In cognitive neuroscience research, we see differences of 3-5%, and that can be significant. With Preflex Safety, it’s not uncommon to see improvement of 10% to 1500% across key performance metrics.
The benefits are extremely wide-ranging. The research has shown significant improvement in situational awareness, pattern recognition, decision making, emotional intelligence, professional attitude, confidence, and more. Because these improvements in mental mindset directly impact behavior, performance benefits are seen in nearly every area we’ve tested. People who have advanced in the training say, “You’ll see your world differently after Preflex Safety Training.”
Because Preflex Safety is mental mindset training, the applications are nearly endless. The current safety-based system is designed for industrial, manufacturing, and construction settings, and we’re working to collaborate with military, firefighting, fleet companies, and others. All are natural fits for Preflex Safety. Beyond that, we have ideas about how this type of brain training could be used in emergency medicine, corporate leadership, and with people in general to help maximize human potential. Let us know if you have an idea for Preflex Safety.